Round Up....

What an amazing semester that has just flown by! I thought I'd make one last post to capture three new things I learned abot creativity this semester and what I am going to do with those new learnings next semester.

1. You can learn to become more artistic and think like a designer in everyday tasks, school assignments, work projects, teaching and learning. I am taking an intro to Graphic Design course next semester and I hope to continue to look at the world through a "design eye" and productively solve problems by improving design in my little corner of the world!

2. Everybody has skills and talents and part of being creative is helping bring out the best in your team and your students to brainstorm and colloborate well together. I am going to be more bold in my online class next semester and try to create learning activities that allow me to colloborate with my students and learn from them as a coach and advisor.

3. Creativity applies to every aspect of life. Enthusiasm and a positive attitude contribute to my ability to be creative, look for the good and solve problems! I think I am going to apply this first in my dating life! :) I'm not quite sure how yet but I'm sure it can't hurt!!!! :)

Excellent course! I have loved it!

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Individualized Education

I am working on a new project with my dad and sister to help kids with mental illness and other learning disabilities to become successful in school and life! We are working on our business plan and it has been fun to try and think creatively about our strategy and how to best approach the learning componenets linked to the clinical components. My sister is a Special Ed teacher and I will be assisting with the business planning and Educational Technology components. We are looking to create a service in the Southern California area for a need that is going highly unmet outside of the UCLA program which for many families is a lenghty commute. It is fun to see how the things I am learning and have learned can contribute to the planning and execution. I love solving problems with great ideas and working with smart people!

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Do Something Different!!!!

Exciting news...I have applied for and been offered a research assistantship for Spring 2010. I will teach one class and work on a research project for the Navy. It is going to be an absolute blast and will stretch me in new learning directions. I applied for the position because I have been thinking about how I can be braver and more creative in applying what I am learning in my coursework in more applied ways. Also, a friend of mine said put yourself out there and ask about potential positions. What do you have to lose? I think this is very wise advice. It has helped mre realize that changing the course of your life experience is all about creative courage. Once you've done it and felt the rush you want other people to try it too!

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IDEO : Shopping Carts & Change

Great video about a great company. IDEO collaboratively designs a new approach to shopping carts that is well received by grocery store owners and employees. Very positive brainstorming sessions and a great environment for continually improving new ideas in ways that can be built upon my other team members. A very fun way to create new products and services! This has me thinking about what I can do differently. I decided yesterday to look into a research assistantship to balance the TA positions I've held. A research position will give me the opportunity to work on a team and contribute to expanding the understanding of and possibilities for technology in education using quantitative and qualitative research methods. I am really enjoying Statistics which is not something I would have seen myself saying a year ago. Learning and changing is part of innovating. Innovating ourselves through learning puts us in the best position to contribute to innovating in other arenas! I hope to part of some more innovation in education in 2010!

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Creativity and the Brain

I have done some brief research this week about how neuroscientists view creativity and what is happening in the brain. Below is a link to one super interesting article. I am also reviewing a couple of actual research studies. My dad is a psychologist so I think over Christmas break I will see if he can order me a creativity assessment test that will tell me more about my brain and how to improve my creative and innovative skills and also perhaps measure how I learn to help me continue to take creative but effective approaches in school and teaching. I am learning so much and really enjoying it!

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A new creative application

I LOVE learning software and this week I learned more about IMovie '09 as we worked on our YouTube videos. The great thing about learning IMovie is that there are technical skills involved but it is mostly artistic and requires visualization to see in your mind what you what to accomplish and then make it happen on the screen. So challenging to see if I was able to conform the functionality of the software to my ideas. I think I came up with a few software enhancements I'd like to see in the next version of the software during this process. Also, before even making the video visualizing the scripting, how to shoot it, etc. were all new applications of my desire to design and create. What a blast!!!!! I'm definitely not the next Speilberg but I really enjoyed seeing my idea become a reality this week. Special thanks to my team for teaching me what they already know about video creation/editing!

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Book 2: A Whole New Mind

This is an EXCELLENT book. It took me longer than I intended to read it because it is packed with so many great principles and activities. I have been comparing it to the things I have been learning in my class about learning and the brain and Daniel Pink really brings the science to life in very interesting and practical ways. I really enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it to anyone who creates curriculum. There are a ton of ideas that I will be using for my grad project to help students develop both L-brain and R-brain thinking.

1. What lessons can you learn from this book about creativity and innovation?
Yin needs yang and a WHOLE new mind using both the left and right brain yields the best in creativity in innovation. Pink asserts also that Design, Story, Symphony, Empathy, Play and Meaning are the six senses of "Whole" mind thinking. I see applications in course/curriculum development for all six as a teacher and as a student. This book has motivated me to be more creative in my approach to learning and rememebring what I've learned. Very helpful!

2. Give an example of how creativity or innovation occurred in this book.
The application sections with 3-5 pages of exercises, websites, and activities to put what Pink is teaching immediately into action are awesome. I am planning to use some of them in the course I am teaching next semester. I also like this teaching style that allows creativity in the application of the principles taught. No two student assignments would look the same using these type of practice or testing activities. Everyone could express their unique ideas and thoughts.

3. How does thinking with a whole new mind contribute to happiness? How are creativity and innovation related to happiness?
The last section of the book is about Meaning. I believe that everyone is searching for meaning and that learning to discover who you are, where you fit in and how you can best contribute are key principles in discovering meaning. Pink quotes the Dali Lama who said "I believe the very purpose of our life is happiness." I agree with this but would caution those who believe happiness is found in material possessions, fame or notieriety. I believe that spirtuality, faith and prayer are essential to happiness because they connect us to God, the Father of the universe, who is perfectly able to create and innovate. He will show us how to find meaning and happiness in our lives if we ask. He will teach us about who we really are. Creativity and innovation are full expressions of who we really are. They extend to more in our lives than the ability to solve problems and create new business ideas. Being involved in the innovation process changes me as I participate in the exciting discovery process because it teaches me about my unlimited potential to grow, change, excel and contribute. These feelings contribute greatly to my ability to find and maintain a feeling of meaning in my life regardless of my life circumstances. In the meaning section, one of the activities Pink suggests is to show gratitude by participating in a gratitude visit. I have done something similar to this with my parents and it was a powerful experience that increased the meaning in my life. I would not be where I am or have been able to accomplish all that I have without the support and generous help of my parents. I am forever grateful that they have taught me and continue to support my efforts to succeed. Creativity and innovation are open-minded and hopeful ways of thinking that lead us to happiness when we allow faith rather than fear to ensue within us and lead us along to great discovery and the ability to make a difference. Every person can happily make a difference and I think creativity and innovation that invoke spiritual meaning in life are foundational elements for happiness and peace in life.

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